Programs, Workshops & Offerings


picture1Effectively Communicating With Customers

A discussion on how to understand and effectively communicate with different customer types.


Creating Goals to Achieve Your Strategies


What is the Value to You And Your Organization If You Could Achieve an Additional 10% or More Improvement by

  • Implementing a Killer Strategy with Supporting Goals
  • Developing an Exceptional Customer Responsive Organization
  • Creating Efficient Processes and Systems
  • Establishing Strong Relationships with your Key Customers and Suppliers

Who Should Attend

“C” level Executives, Owners & Managers who are looking  for ways to achieve improved results for their organizations. This includes workshop materials, copy of The Compass Approach and a follow-up 1:1 with the author/facilitator. This session is offered to groups or individual companies.

Using The Compass To Achieve Your Business Direction

A 4 hour workshop where you will learn techniques which can help set your business’ direction for the next year and beyond. John King, President of Headway Strategies Consulting will conduct this workshop introducing concepts from his new book; The Compass Approach: Successfully Charting Your Business Via The Compass.

Participants will  receive a copy of the book along with workshop materials and a follow-up 1:1 discussion about their business with the author.


Goal Development - Salem State University 09-2015 - cover graphic

A Goal Setting Strategy That Works!

The focus of the workshop will be to provide you with the background and techniques to successfully develop and achieve your desired goals more consistently.

During the discussion we will cover:

• Wishes versus goals or why people fail to achieve their goals
• Guidelines for setting goals
• Different types of goals
• Development of SMARTY Goals
o Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
o Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
o Assignable – specify who will do it.
o Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
o Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
o Yours – Goals that are important to you!
• How attitude and behavior plays into your ability to achieve your goal
• A formula for success that you can apply to achieve improved results

This is an interactive session where you will learn how to use Headway’s unique Goal Sheet process to develop a goal that you can work on once you leave the workshop.